Sports Injuries: How Can You Prevent Them?
Sports participation is a leading cause of injuries in children and adults. Depending on the severity, sports injuries can have short-term and long-term consequences. A key component of sports injury prevention includes warming up and stretching.
Benefits of stretching
Studies have shown that stretching can improve flexibility and the range of motion of the joints. Increased flexibility can reduce the risk of injury during a sport, enhance performance in physical activities, and enable muscles to work more effectively.
How should you prepare to stretch?
Stretching keeps the body flexible and is an integral part of a sports routine. Before engaging in any physical activity, including stretching, warm up the body with light exercise such as walking. Once the muscles are warm, then stretches can begin.
1. Forward lunges
Kneel on the left leg, placing the right leg forward at a right angle. Lunge forward, keeping the back straight. The stretch should be felt on the left groin. Hold the stretch in place for 5 seconds. Repeat 3-6 times. Repeat on the opposite leg.
2. Cross-overs
Stand with legs crossed, keeping the feet close together and the legs straight. Try to touch the toes. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 3-6 times. Repeat with the opposite leg.
3. The butterfly stretch
Sit down and place the soles of the feet together. Drop the knees toward the floor. Place the forearms on the inside of the knees and push the knees toward the ground. Lean forward from the hips. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 3-6 times.
4. Knees-to-chest
Lie on the back with the knees bent. Grab the tops of the knees and bring them out toward the armpits, rocking gently back and forth. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 3-6 times.
How much and how often to stretch?
Staying flexible is essential for injury prevention. Medical professionals recommend stretching each of the major muscle groups at least 2 times a week for 60 seconds per exercise. Stretching exercises should be done carefully.
Should you stretch after you exercise?
Stretching after playing a sport has many benefits. The body is more flexible after exercise since blood flow has increased to the muscles. Stretches at this time will significantly help with injury prevention.
The essentials for stretching
Before beginning any new physical activity or trying new stretches, make sure an activity is done safely and effectively. While stretching can be done at any time, using the proper technique is essential to avoid injury. For specific questions about stretching, speak with a healthcare provider.
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